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In this episode, I answer a question I got from a BAM nation subscriber around C02 control. I then proceed to dive deep into the core concepts around pressure, airflow, and heat transfer.

I look at these concepts from the perspective of a BAS professional and I share with you the valuable lessons I've learned working on some of the most complex BAS projects in the world.

By the time you finish this podcast episode you will have an understanding of:

  • How you can use a BAS to implement standards like ASHRAE 55 and 62.1
  • The effect of pressure and airflow on the performance of your building
  • How understanding the concept of heat transfer is critical to having a successful career in the building automation space

Thanks for Listening!

If you have a specific question, you can send me a voicemail or e-mail message at the Ask Phil Page.

I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • How you can use a BAS to implement standards like ASHRAE 55 and 62.1
  • The effect of pressure and airflow on the performance of your building
  • How understanding the concept of heat transfer is critical to having a successful career in the building automation space


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