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I started my BAS career in service and I'm thankful I did because I learned so much from servicing BAS. But, there's a dark side of service.

You see not everyone had the power and clout behind that I did working at a Fortune 100 company. Often times BAS service providers are used and abused.

Customers dispute billing, disagree with scope, and flat out ignore recommendations that can improve the functionality of their systems.

Software upgrades anyone?

But, you have to understand it from the customer's perspective. So many service providers are like ninja's they swoop in, fix and issue and are off another call. They don't take the time to explain what was done and customers imagine the worst!

So how can we resolve these issues?

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why you must approach planned maintenance and service calls differently
  • My 7 step process for the perfect service call
  • The three types of customers and how to deal with each one
  • The 5 questions you must answer when creating a Planned Maintenance agreement


Thanks for Listening!

If you have a specific question, you can send me a voicemail or e-mail message at the Contact Page.

I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • Why you must approach planned maintenance and service calls differently
  • My 7 step process for the perfect service call
  • The three types of customers and how to deal with each one
  • The 5 questions you must answer when creating a Planned Maintenance agreement


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