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Naming standards.

As you know I'm a bit of a standard fanatic.

The reality is most of the BAS problems I have experienced have come from when people went off into left field and created designs that just don't make sense.

And there is no other better example of this than in the area of naming. Zone temp, space temp, room temp. They all mean the same thing...

Or do they???

In this episode unpack what makes naming standards good and what makes them not so good..

By the time you finish this episode you will know:

  • The three keys to good naming standards
  • How to create a naming standard
  • How to push through the overwhelm of applying a naming standard to an existing building


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You're Learning About

  • The three keys to good naming standards
  • How to create a naming standard
  • How to push through the overwhelm of applying a naming standard to an existing building


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