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I recently went through a 3-day power outage. It was utterly debilitating. Our well pump wouldn't run leaving us without water and we ended up loosing all our food. The good thing is we were prepared with backup food and water. Yet, many of our neighbors weren't and it was amazing how fast all of the surrounding stores sold out of basic goods.

So why do I tell you this?

The reality is so many BAS professionals are sitting on time bombs. There are facilities across the world that have put zero thought into how to keep their BAS operational after a disaster. The good news is that if you follow what I teach you in this episode you will be massively more prepared for when, not if, disaster strikes!

In this episode you will learn:

  • The three kinds of disasters
  • My four-step plan for disaster planning
  • How to find the Goldilox zone (not over prepared but not under prepared)
  • Why you must test your disaster plan


Thanks for Listening!

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I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • The three kinds of disasters
  • My four-step plan for disaster planning
  • How to find the Goldilox zone (not over prepared but not under prepared)
  • Why you must test your disaster plan


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