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How do you go about scoping, designing, installing, and programming controls?

This is the most common question I receive, every day. And rightfully so.

Look, there's tons of amazing vendor training out there that teaches you how to use their tools to "do controls" but at the end of the day folks are still struggling to understand what parts they need, how much time they should budget, and how they begin the process of "doing controls". If this sounds like you then this episode is for you!

In this episode, I'm going to teach you how to analyze 3 common HVAC systems from the perspective of a controls designer. We will look at:

► The BAS parts and pieces needed for VAV, AHU, and Chillers
► How to determine what labor to allocate and what steps to take during the install process
► The one simple trick that will save you up to 40% on install labor
► Why writing your own programs from scratch is a recipe for disaster and what to do instead
► And much, much, much more!


Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

A step-by-step walk through the most common HVAC systems

In this episode, I take you through how to "control" the most common HVAC systems

Here's are the topics I cover in this episode:

  • VAV boxes, how they work, what parts they have, how they get installed and more (1:26)
  • The one thing a VAV box controls to, and why it matters so much (3:25)
  • Four common BAS parts and pieces provided with all VAV boxes (4:52)
  • Why it is so important for VAV's to fail open (6:32)
  • The secret method that reduces your project labor by 40% (9:09)
  • BAS parts and pieces for air handling units (11:20)
  • The what do I need process to quickly understanding how systems should be set up (13:50)
  • The two schools of thought on wiring up air handling units (16:50)
  • Are you implementing your safety circuits properly? (18:10)
  • The stupidity of writing code from scratch (20:15)
  • How mastering the fundamentals will make you successful in your career (23:05)
  • Step-by-step processes for setting up a chiller's BAS control (24:30)

Resources mentioned in this episode


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