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2 min read

BAM 074: How to create the ultimate project training plan

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 28, 2017 6:00:37 AM

Most BAS training at the end of the project is terrible.

I know you've been there. You bring in 2 dozen donuts and a jug of coffee and hope and pray that you can keep the customer's attention for more than 2 hours before they wander off (either physically or mentally). What if you could create awesome training that helped your customers learn your BAS?

What if this training was so awesome that your customers told everyone they knew about how awesome your company is?

Well, that is what I'm going to teach you in this episode!

By the time you finish this episode you will know:

  • Why most BAS training sucks and how to make sure your's doesn't
  • The amazing secret to knowing exactly what your customers want and need to know
  • My 4-step process to creating amazing training that your customers will rave about!


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Topics: Podcasts BAS Training

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