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2 min read

BAM 104: What are control sequences

By Smart Buildings Academy on Feb 26, 2018 6:00:25 AM

Topics: bas Podcasts

Have you ever stopped and thought about why we control systems the way we do?

Folks often ask me, "Phil, what is the number one thing a BAS professional needs to know".

Without any hesitation, my answer is Control Sequences. At the time I'm writing this I've had the honor of helping dozens of managers and owners of BAS companies create effective training programs for their employees. Without question, the number one course that these managers and owners are looking for is a training program that discusses control sequences.

Why is this?

This is because understanding control sequences is core to every other BAS function, bar none. That's why I'm starting a multi-week series where I will be discussing control sequences. This is the first episode of the series and in this episode, you will learn:

► What control sequences are and where they reside
► The three-step process for working through control sequences
► Why focusing on sequence flow is critical to success
► How to understand a sequence no matter how complex it is


Click here to download or listen to this episode now.

Unpacking what control sequences are

Here’s are the topics I cover in this episode:

  • Why technicians need to understand control sequences to avoid the dreaded talent overwhelm (1:25)
  • How understanding control sequences will pour jet fuel on your BAS sales career (4:52)
  • What a sequence actually looks like? (8:04)
  • How understanding the control modes is the MOST important thing you need to know (9:20)
  • The difference between zones and spaces and why you need to understand it (10:40)
  • The  importance of identifying inputs and outputs prior to doing anything else (16:20)
  • Laying out the flow of the sequence to ensure you don't miss anything (19:50)

Resources mentioned in this episode

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