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3 min read

BAM 086: The In and outs of a BAS Design

By Smart Buildings Academy on Sep 18, 2017 6:00:15 AM

Topics: Podcasts

Have you ever stopped and thought about what is required to create a good BAS design... and then once that design is created, what deliverables should you expect to receive?

If this topic seems a little muddy to you, you're not alone. Despite all of the talk out there about IoT and analytics, when it comes to the topic of BAS Design (something that affects way more projects than any IoT solution ever will) the Internet is eerily silent...

The reason is, there are not that many folks who can teach you how to create a good design. I mean think about it. Besides for ASHRAES Guideline 13-2015, which you can purchase for $99. There's not much out there. But even that guideline doesn't address the core issue.

How does one design a BAS? Over the next several episodes I am going to be tackling this exact issue. In this episode, we are going to unpack the inputs and outputs that are created as part of the design process. You are going to learn:

  • The 3 design inputs you must understand
  • What the one piece of information you absolutely must locate in the specification is
  • Why you're controller drawings actually confuse your installer
  • How to eliminate project slippage (hint... it has something to do with your bill of materials)
  • And much more!


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You're Learning About

  • The 3 design inputs you must understand
  • What the one piece of information you absolutely must locate in the specification is
  • Why you're controller drawings actually confuse your installer
  • How to eliminate project slippage (hint... it has something to do with your bill of materials)
  • And much more!



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