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You've got an IP controls network and you're in a world of hurt because it's not working. You search Google looking for ideas, tech support puts you on hold for hours trying to help the thousands of other folks just like you.

You're feeling hopeless.

But it's not hopeless. In this episode, I provide you 7 tips that you can apply immediately to help you troubleshoot your IP controls network. Success is just around the corner, have a listen...

In this episode you will learn:

  • The #1 trick to troubleshooting an IP controls network...
  • Why DHCP can be your best friend or your worst nightmare
  • How to make sure your BAS isn't being bumped off the network
  • How to determine if you have a cross boundary issue (if you don't know what a boundary is, you need to listen to this episode!)
  • And much more!


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I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • The #1 trick to troubleshooting an IP controls network...
  • Why DHCP can be your best friend or your worst nightmare
  • How to make sure your BAS isn't being bumped off the network
  • How to determine if you have a cross boundary issue (if you don't know what a boundary is, you need to listen to this episode!)
  • And much more!




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