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In this episode, I discuss the feasibility of occupancy counting to control outdoor air ventilation.

Man, who would have thought that we would be having this discussion? Lately, it seems that I am seeing more and more ideas that are combining different technologies to achieve outcomes.

Case and point, I recently had a BAM nation member and personal friend Walter reach out to me with a question around the energy saving potential of using occupancy counting to reduce outdoor air flow.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How outdoor air ventilation works from a technical and engineering perspective
  • How to calculate energy savings from outdoor air reduction
  • The effect of the engineering and contracting world on technology adoption
  • How ASHRAE 62.1 determines the minimum outdoor air you need to provide


Thanks for Listening!

If you have a specific question, you can send me a voicemail or e-mail message at the Contact Page.

I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • How outdoor air ventilation works from a technical and engineering perspective
  • How to calculate energy savings from outdoor air reduction
  • The effect of the engineering and contracting world on technology adoption
  • How ASHRAE 62.1 determines the minimum outdoor air you need to provide


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