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What is a building automation server?

What does it do?

Should I cloud host my server? Should I use a desktop or server class platform?

If you've ever wondered these questions then this episode is for you!

In this episode, I unpack the topic of BAS servers. I dive deep into the topic of BAS servers.

You will learn:

  • What a server is and how it works?
  • Why you shouldn't use your server as a client
  • When you should cloud host your server (and when you shouldn't)
  • Why your choice of server architecture can make or break your BAS installation
  • And much, much more!


Thanks for Listening!

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I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • What a server is and how it works?
  • Why you shouldn't use your server as a client
  • When you should cloud host your server (and when you shouldn't)
  • Why your choice of server architecture can make or break your BAS installation



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