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You can master networking...

But you need to start now! In this episode, I give you 7 tips that have been immensely helpful to me over my career in BAS.

That's it... No fluff just tons of valuable insight around networking. You won't want to miss this one!

You will learn:

  • Why you must understand the first four layers of the OSI Model
  • How Ethernet and IP are not the same
  • The difference between Frames and Packets
  • Understand Physical vs Virtual Lans
  • Why Broadcast domains are vitally important
  • How Subnets and Default Gateways work
  • The importance of Trunking and QoS


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I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • Why you must understand the first four layers of the OSI Model
  • How Ethernet and IP are not the same
  • The difference between Frames and Packets
  • Understand Physical vs Virtual Lans
  • Why Broadcast domains are vitally important
  • How Subnets and Default Gateways work
  • The importance of Trunking and QoS



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