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IP controls are one of the hottest trends in the building automation world right now.

Yet for many folks in the BAS profession, IP controls are a mystery. Despite the prolific marketing by some of the largest BAS brands there still is a ton of confusion as to what IP controls are and what they can do!

That's why I created what may be my best podcast episode yet. In this episode, and over the next couple episodes, I am going to dive deep into the topic of IP controls. In this episode

In this episode you will learn:

  • What are IP enabled controls?
  • How are they different than normal BAS controls?
  • What are the use cases for IP Controls?
  • Do IP controls cost more?
  • What are the pros of IP controls?
  • What are the cons of IP controls?
  • How do IP controls affect the design process?


Thanks for Listening!

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I'm glad to have you here, and I look forward to your feedback in the comments below.


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You're Learning About

  • What are IP enabled controls?
  • How are they different than normal BAS controls?
  • What are the use cases for IP Controls?
  • Do IP controls cost more?
  • What are the pros of IP controls?
  • What are the cons of IP controls?
  • How do IP controls affect the design process?




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