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Phil Zito

Recent posts by Phil Zito

2 min read

SBA 373: Selling Planned Service Agreements

By Phil Zito on Oct 24, 2022 2:37:26 PM

Things tend to fall apart after they are built, buildings are no exception.

Yet every day I'm seeing new construction projects completed with NO post occupancy maintenance strategy.

Do customers need agreements for planned service? If so what should these agreements include?

And most importantly how can you convince your customers to buy a planned service agreement.

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we are going to explore the scoping, selling, and execution of planned service agreements.

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 372: Wireless Fundamentals for BAS Professionals

By Phil Zito on Oct 21, 2022 3:01:46 PM

What is one of the biggest costs in a retrofit project.. wiring!

I remember back when wireless first hit the market. It was clunky, unreliable, and quite frankly a headache!

Not anymore!

Wireless systems are robust, fast, and effective.

But how do we use them? How do they work?

And how do we fix them when something goes wrong?

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we will explore the fundamentals of wireless systems!

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 371: Metering Strategies for Buildings

By Phil Zito on Oct 19, 2022 2:46:15 PM

Did you know that having a meter in the wrong place is sometimes worse than not having a meter at all?

In order to meet the increased demand for net-zero and energy efficiency we first must understand our energy use profile. In order to accomplish this we need to have meters!

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we discuss the different types of meters, where to place meters, how to tie meters into your BAS, and how to interpret metering data.


Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 370: Energy Audits for BAS Professionals

By Phil Zito on Oct 17, 2022 2:44:10 PM

Did you know that the Inflation Reduction Act changes 179D to allow for a tax deduction of up to $5/sq foot for energy efficiency retrofits?

But this is dependent on your energy baseline!

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we are going to look at how to perform a energy audit so that we can establish a baseline and identify potential retrofit solutions.

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 369: Exploring KNX Together

By Phil Zito on Oct 14, 2022 2:47:45 PM

KNX is a protocol that is seeing increasing adoption across the United States.

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we will research KNX together. Throughout the episode we will explore what the protocol is, how the protocol works, and what the protocol does.

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 368: 9 Energy Management Strategies You Can Implement Right Now

By Phil Zito on Oct 12, 2022 3:04:08 PM

In today's Smart Buildings Academy Podcast Episode we discuss 9 energy management strategies that you can implement right now to reduce your energy consumption and demand.

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 367: 7 Tips for Effective Site Audits

By Phil Zito on Oct 10, 2022 2:48:01 PM

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we lay out 7 tips for performing effective site audits for your building automation customers.

Building owners need to understand their current building systems to manage the increasingly aggressive energy standards and goals rolling out.

This episode will help you tackle this topic with actionable tips that work right now.

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 366: Employers want to pay for your training, you just don't know how to ask for it

By Phil Zito on Oct 5, 2022 2:39:50 PM

As one of the largest providers of training in the building automation industry we see employers investing millions to train their employees each year.

Yet our industry has a belief that employers do not want to train their people. This makes no logical sense on the surface. Trained employees stay longer, produce more profit, and deliver better customer satisfaction. Outside of those benefits, we have seen firsthand how many organizations now have strategic initiatives around talent development and retention.

Which begs the question do employers really avoid training their employees? Or do employees not know how to ask for training?

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we are going to layout an ROI based approach to training requests. You will learn how to analyze your role and the impact prospective training will have on your role. You will then learn how to communicate the results of that training in such a way as to align with your employers strategic objectives.

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 365: Designing and Deploying IP BAS Controls Part 2

By Phil Zito on Oct 3, 2022 2:50:23 PM

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we continue our deep dive on how to design IP controls layouts including ring, bus, and star topologies as well as how to deploy IP controls on both existing and new projects.

We will be using the whiteboard and exploring the three IP architecture types and how to design them

Topics: Podcasts
2 min read

SBA 364: Designing and Deploying IP BAS Controls

By Phil Zito on Sep 30, 2022 2:45:59 PM

How do you design and deploy IP BAS controls for your BAS projects?

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we are going to do a deep dive on how to design IP controls layouts including ring, bus, and star topologies as well as how to deploy IP controls on both existing and new projects.

If you've been wondering how to use IP controls on your new and existing buildings this is the episode for you!

Topics: Podcasts

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