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2 min read

BAM 072: Redlines vs As-Builts are they the same

By Smart Buildings Academy on Jun 23, 2017 6:00:53 AM

When I say redlines and as builts what do you think of?

Do you think of how much redlines and as builts can impact the success of your project?

Do you think about how much redlines and as builts can impact the effectiveness of any future service calls?

Do you think of how redlines and as builts can massively increase or decrease the time you spend on a project?

You should!

By the time you finish this episode you will know:

  • Why you MUST make sure you are dealing with the latest drawings on any project
  • The #1 method for making sure your redlines get turned into accurate as builts
  • How proper as builts will determine the success or failure of your service career


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Topics: as-builts Podcasts red lines

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