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Phil Zito

Recent posts by Phil Zito

27 min read

SBA 245: Lighting 101 with Beatrice Witzgall

By Phil Zito on Apr 12, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Lighting is one of the most common systems in the building and just like HVAC, we can't really use buildings without lighting. But how often do we actually discuss lighting and more importantly what do we really know about how lighting systems get selected, designed, and implemented.

In this Smart Buildings Academy episode, I talk with design expert Beatrice Witzgall of I3D. We discuss the state of the lighting industry, what technologies exist, why more innovation is not happening in the industry, the use of lighting post-COVID, and much more.

Topics: Podcasts
23 min read

SBA 244: Ask Me Anything- Buying a BAS Part 2

By Phil Zito on Apr 5, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Are you considering purchasing or designing a building automation system? 

If so you need to listen to this episode!

On this week's podcast we continue to answer the questions our listeners have related to selecting, upgrading, or buying a BAS.

We received over 140+ questions and in this episode, we dive into 17 more questions. 

Topics: Podcasts
17 min read

SBA 243: Building Automation Careers 101

By Phil Zito on Mar 29, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Are you wanting to start a career in building automation but you don't know where to start? 

Would you like a proven process to get a job in building automation?

If so then this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast is for you. In this episode you will learn:

  • Why BAS is a great career field
  • What the different roles are in building automation
  • Our proven 8 step process to getting hired in BAS with zero experience
Topics: Podcasts
38 min read

SBA 242: Implementing MSI and OT Technologies In The Built Environment

By Phil Zito on Mar 15, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Does the idea of implementing integrated use cases seem overwhelming? Are you struggling with how to deal with the complexities of MSI and OT? 

In this week's episode we unpack how to implement MSI and OT technologies on a small scale. 

Topics: Podcasts
24 min read

SBA 241: Ask Me Anything- Buying a BAS

By Phil Zito on Mar 8, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the noise when it comes to building automation products and buying decisions for building owners?

If so your not alone!

That's why on this week's podcast we are answering questions our listeners have related to selecting, upgrading, or buying a BAS.

We received 72 questions and in this episode, we dive into the first 14 of these questions. 

Topics: Podcasts
42 min read

SBA 240: Deep-dive into Commercial Real Estate Technology Strategy with Maureen Ehrenberg

By Phil Zito on Mar 1, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Have you ever wondered how the decisions to invest in building and property tech for commercial real estate are made?

Are you curious how COVID-19 is going to affect investment and growth in the CRE market? 

Are you wondering how CRE assets are valued and how portfolio managers create and execute their prop-tech strategies? 

If so this episode is for you!

In this episode, we are discussing all things CRE with expert Maureen Ehrenberg!

Topics: Podcasts
15 min read

SBA 239: What is data?

By Phil Zito on Feb 22, 2021 6:00:00 AM

What is data? How is data produced? What do you need to understand about data?

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we explorer what data is, how data works, and what data is used for.

Topics: Podcasts
19 min read

SBA 238: BACnet SC is a Horrible Idea

By Phil Zito on Feb 15, 2021 6:00:00 AM

Why is the industry embracing BACnet/SC? Is it a good idea?

What are the ramifications of rolling out a new protocol stack to the market?

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast, I discuss my thoughts on the BACnet/SC protocol and I discuss why it may or may not be a solution for your business.

Topics: Podcasts
17 min read

SBA 237: Building Automation As A Service?

By Phil Zito on Feb 8, 2021 6:00:00 AM

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast, we discuss building automation as a service. What is it?

Is it viable?

Why would you use it?

Topics: Podcasts
22 min read

SBA 236: Developing BAS Technicians from Scratch in Less than 180 Days

By Phil Zito on Feb 1, 2021 6:00:00 AM

We are facing a shortage of 20,000+ BAS Professionals. Our current methods of workforce development are not keeping pace with the need for talented BAS professionals. 

In this episode of the Smart Buildings Academy Podcast we layout a step-by-step plan to develop BAS technicians that can work independently in less than 180 days.

Topics: Podcasts

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